Friday, January 10, 2014

Weekend goals... kill me now.

I hate having things to accomplish things on the weekend. I work until 1 in the afternoon on Saturdays, so when I get home it's kind of like my inner lazy girl comes out and takes over, and all I want to do it watch my tv shows, read, and lay in my bed. Not even kidding. It's sort of pathetic really.

This weekend my list is as follows:

Clean and organize room.
- My room is literally a disaster. There isn't an inch of the floor to be seen. Stuff is laying everywhere. It's driving me nuts.

Do workouts on both Saturday and Sunday.
- With P90X3 you have the option of taking a rest day each week, or doing a workout all 7 days. This week I didn't do a workout on Tuesday since I was so sick, but I caught it up. I want to make sure I workout both days this weekend so I can get the most out of the program. Sundays it is really hard for me to work out, because I am gone all day. Church, spend the afternoon with friends, and then go to my 20 Somethings Bible study at 6. But I am determined to workout both days!

Plan my meals for next week. Boil eggs and grill chicken for lunches. Clean fruit.
- It's a lot easier for me to get lunches and dinners ready if I don't have to think about what to have.

Hair treatment
- It makes your hair soft and colorful. It just takes about an hour and half, which is generally time I don't really have. But I did one last weekend and I want to follow it up.

Then also Saturday I am going to help my mom get groceries. She doesn't like going by herself, and I like going so she doesn't have to lift anything heavy. So I won't be back home until around 5 or 6 on Saturday evening.


Oh well! Weekend chores are just a part of life! Hopefully I will be able to complete all of mine.


  1. hey, a great hair treatment you might want to check out is the pro naturals hair repair system. All of its products are made from argan oil :)

  2. I will have to try that! I love hair treatments. haha!
