Thursday, January 16, 2014

Legend, Prodigy, Champion... books and more books!

As mentioned in yesterdays post, I am currently reading the Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu and I'm on the second book, Prodigy. I love these books, I really do. I love how Day and June love each other, even though I know most likely at the end they won't be together in the end. They've done too much to each other to be able to forget and move past it. I won't say anything else so that it doesn't spoil anything. But maybe I am wrong and they will be together at the end of the third book. I really hope so. After reading Looking For Alaska and Allegaint, I really need some books with happier endings. My problem is that when I know that a book is going to have a sad/bittersweet ending it is really hard for me to read it. It's like I don't want to feel sad, so I just avoid it. Yikes. Anyway, I am going to try and finish this book and start Champion by the end of this coming weekend. Wish me luck.
Generally I read on my bed. I throw my pillows against the wall, open my window, and just read. Sometimes with a hot cup of tea or coffee. One of life's greatest pleasures is reading with hot tea. Just saying. Only book nerds will understand that.

I have a major problem with buying book, and then buying more books, and then buying EVEN MORE books until I have all these books that I haven't read yet sitting on my shelf. So I am trying to read them all before I buy any new ones. So far I am doing pretty good. I have read most of them. Right now I am really into John Green's books. And books the same genre as his. I'm not really sure what that genre is... I just mentally call it 'Real Life'. Seriously. Anywhoo, on Saturday I went into Half Price Book Store and only bought one book, which was Thirteen Reasons Why. And THEN I went to Barnes and Noble and didn't buy any book! My new year resolution of saving money is working so far! 

Until I run out of books to read. And then I am going to have a serious money spending problem......

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