Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dear Lord, please turn these carrots into Cheetos...

Have you ever eaten food and wished it could turn into something healthy on the way down? Like Cheetos into carrots. Pizza into lettuce. Icecream into yogurt. If only. I am sitting on the couch watching Elvis Presley movies, eating my carrots, and wishing that they tasted like Cheetos. But alas, they are, in fact, completely carrots. If nothing else I know that later on I will not regret eating these in a few hours when I look in a mirror.

I think a major part of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is mind over matter. Once you decided that you can do it, you begin, and you accomplish your goals. No matter how hard it is, you find a way because your mind set has changed.

With P90X3 I decided that I COULD do the program, no matter how hard it seemed or how tired I am. I can do it. I will do it.

This is a picture of me yesterday, right after I finished AgilityX. There were several moments during the workout when I thought I would have to take a break, or sit down for a little while. But I didn't. I pushed through, and told myself that I could do it. My mind was more tired than my body was.

If I can do it, you can do it. You just have to decide that you can and WILL.

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