Sunday, January 5, 2014

Brace face

I have to get braces. I'm 19 years old and I have to get braces. I'm going to look like I'm 15... again. 15 was not a good year as far as looks go, and I prefer not to go back. Oh well. My friends keep telling me how much pain I am going to be in for the first couple of days, so I am slightly freaked out about it, but I figure if I lived through having my wisdom teeth removed I can survive braces.

I can't help but feel as if I will look like Darla from Finding Nemo.

Look! She even has red hair like me!

I have been watching Doctor Who and Once Upon A Time. Non-stop pretty much. I did do some other half way productive things today. Like I went shopping at HEB for the food I need for P90X3. I am pretty much set for the next week I think! Whoop! It starts tomorrow. I will be posting before pictures and then my measurements tomorrow. Joy. Measurements. I can hardly contain my excitement... (sarcasm).

If I don't die after doing my workout, tomorrow morning I will post about the first official work out! Whoop!

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