Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Take me to Hogwarts!

This picture totally cracks me up! I love Twilight, but I also love a good Twilight joke, and this is the best one yet!
Every summer I read the entire Harry Potter series again. It's just something I do. Once I finish a book, I watch the movie. It makes me happy.
Every notice how all Potterheads want to go to Hogwarts? I personally am still waiting for my Hogwarts letter to arrive by owl, no matter that I am 19 years old.
Twihards want a vampire boyfriend or girlfriend. With the occasional werewolf on the side, if you know what I mean. *winkwink*
Doctor Who fans are constantly waiting for the man in the blue police box to appear out of nowhere and whisk them away to unknown universe.
And there are the Hunger Games fans, and they are perfectly happy where they are at, not in the world of the Games.
 I would go to Hogwarts. But I will not go into the world of The Hunger Games.

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