Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I hate being sick.

I'm sick. Yuck. But thankfully I went to the doctor today and she put me on some antibiotics. I just really hate having to call off work because I am sick.

So basically all I have done today is lay in my bed watching movies. I watched both of the Percy Jackson movies, which I hadn't ever seen before. And then I am working my way through the second season of Doctor Who. David Tennant is an awesome Doctor.

My room is currently a disaster zone. I can barely walk through it. I had big plans to clean it up today, but I could hardly get out of bed, so of course it didn't happen. Oh well, it will wait until another day.

Needless to say, since I was feeling so horrible today I did not do my P90X3. I would get sick on the second day. But that's okay, because I will just have to catch it up tomorrow and then I will be back on track. I stuck with the diet today, which made me proud. When I'm sick generally all I want to eat is popsicles. My Nike shoes came in today! So working out will be a lot easier and safer now that I have high intensity training shoes. I will post a picture of them tomorrow.

That's really all. I am about to take my medicine and go to sleep!

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