Monday, January 13, 2014

Oh Monday. How I hate you.

I got done almost everything on my weekend list! Didn't do the hair treatment because I didn't really have any time. But I bought my groceries, cleaned and organized most of my room, did P90X3 on Saturday and Sunday, figured out my meals for the week and prepared the fruit and boiled eggs. So I'm pretty happy that I was able to get done what I did! Saturday I was gone all day.

Today is Monday, and I'm not really a huge fan of Mondays. There is just something about waking up in the morning and knowing that the weekend is over. It's kind of sad. But luckily I don't have to be to work until 12:30 pm on Mondays. And I like my job. Those two things make Monday a little better.

P90X3 (from now on I am just going to refer to it as X3) is going really well! Today I did Total Synergistics. It's the same schedule for the first month, so that's the workout I will be doing every Monday. I did a lot better on it this week than I did last week. There is this one move called 'Boat and Plow'. Basically you sit on your butt and hold your legs and arms in the arm. It takes A LOT of core strength. The first week I couldn't even do that move, and this week I could do four! I can't wait to see how many I will be able to do next week!

Since I did my workout this morning before work, I'm not really too sure what I am going to do once I get home... maybe read? I'm working on reading the Legend Series by Marie Lu. I read the first one a couple of month after it was released, and then never read the other ones. So now I am! Finished Legend last night, so now I am on to book two. Forgot how much I love those books! 

Yup. Definitely reading when I get home. :)

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