Monday, January 6, 2014

More of me to love... and hug... if you can get your arms around me.

Okay, measurements are in! I will be taking measurements every month, at the beginning of a new phase of P90X3. I can not believe I am about to put these measurements on the Internet, but I am, so here it goes.

Weight: 236
Height: 5' 9"
Waist: 47 inches
Right Arm: 16 1/4 inches
Left Arm: 16 inches
Right Forearm: 11 3/4 inches
Left Forearm: 11 1/4 inches
Ribs: 40 1/2 inches
Right Thigh: 30 1/2 inches
Left thigh: 29 1/2 inches
Underarm: 43 1/2 inches
Mid: 48 1/2 inches
Bust: 46 1/2 inches
Hips: 50 inches

So there it is. Those are insane numbers, and by the end of this program they will have changed drastically. Can't wait!

Now for before pictures. I did take some where I did not have a shirt on, which trust me is much worse than these.  This could be worse than the numbers... *sigh* (and yes, I am representing Duck Dynasty! haha)

So, now that I have gotten all of that out of the way.

My first work out for today was Total Synergstics. I am going the Classic Mode, which is the one Tony Horton suggests for most people, and also the one that is the best for losing weight. As far as the workout goes, there isn't much to say except for I TOTALLY LOVED IT. It was hard, and there were several things I could only do 2-3 repetitions of. But I finished the workout, and totally crushed it! My brother did the workout with me and he did way better than I did, but he also finished P90X.

Once I finish my first week of meals, I will post them.

Me and Michael after the workout! I can't wait for day two!

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