Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Starting over with X3

Yes, sad to say I am going to have to start over on P90X3. Well, I don't have to. But I've been sick for three weeks, and so I haven't exercised in two weeks. My doctor told me under no circumstances was I to do X3 unless I was 100% better. It's been depressing. Anyway, my coach and I have decided I should start over. I think I will get the best results that way. Plus I think my brother, Michael, is going to do it with me this time.

That's all for now. I've been tardy with posting. I've just been really busy! I promise to write an actual post tomorrow.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Still sick... STILL!!!

I can't seem to get better from whatever it is I have. Going on three weeks with this thing. Gosh. I'm going to a different doctor on Monday morning so hopefully she will be able to give me a stronger antibiotic. Yesh. In other words, I'm not feeling well, and so this will pretty much be it for the day. Except for the answer to the riddle!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Riddle of the day and Harry Potter.

So! I love riddles, I always have. I decided to post this riddle I found and YOU can see if you can figure out the answer.

A man was found murdered on a Sunday morning. His wife immediatly called the police. The police questioned the wife and the staff and got these alibies:
The wife said she was sleeping.
The cook was cooking breakfast.
The gardener was picking vegetables.
The maid was getting the post.
The butler was cleaning the closet.
The police instantly arrested the murderer. Who did it, and how did they know?


Originally I thought it was the wife, because if she was alseep how did she immediatly call the police? But then I figured someone woke her up...

Anyone who has seen the first Harry Potter movie should kind of have an idea... Think of Uncle Vernon.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Legend, Prodigy, Champion... books and more books!

As mentioned in yesterdays post, I am currently reading the Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu and I'm on the second book, Prodigy. I love these books, I really do. I love how Day and June love each other, even though I know most likely at the end they won't be together in the end. They've done too much to each other to be able to forget and move past it. I won't say anything else so that it doesn't spoil anything. But maybe I am wrong and they will be together at the end of the third book. I really hope so. After reading Looking For Alaska and Allegaint, I really need some books with happier endings. My problem is that when I know that a book is going to have a sad/bittersweet ending it is really hard for me to read it. It's like I don't want to feel sad, so I just avoid it. Yikes. Anyway, I am going to try and finish this book and start Champion by the end of this coming weekend. Wish me luck.
Generally I read on my bed. I throw my pillows against the wall, open my window, and just read. Sometimes with a hot cup of tea or coffee. One of life's greatest pleasures is reading with hot tea. Just saying. Only book nerds will understand that.

I have a major problem with buying book, and then buying more books, and then buying EVEN MORE books until I have all these books that I haven't read yet sitting on my shelf. So I am trying to read them all before I buy any new ones. So far I am doing pretty good. I have read most of them. Right now I am really into John Green's books. And books the same genre as his. I'm not really sure what that genre is... I just mentally call it 'Real Life'. Seriously. Anywhoo, on Saturday I went into Half Price Book Store and only bought one book, which was Thirteen Reasons Why. And THEN I went to Barnes and Noble and didn't buy any book! My new year resolution of saving money is working so far! 

Until I run out of books to read. And then I am going to have a serious money spending problem......

Monday, January 13, 2014

Oh Monday. How I hate you.

I got done almost everything on my weekend list! Didn't do the hair treatment because I didn't really have any time. But I bought my groceries, cleaned and organized most of my room, did P90X3 on Saturday and Sunday, figured out my meals for the week and prepared the fruit and boiled eggs. So I'm pretty happy that I was able to get done what I did! Saturday I was gone all day.

Today is Monday, and I'm not really a huge fan of Mondays. There is just something about waking up in the morning and knowing that the weekend is over. It's kind of sad. But luckily I don't have to be to work until 12:30 pm on Mondays. And I like my job. Those two things make Monday a little better.

P90X3 (from now on I am just going to refer to it as X3) is going really well! Today I did Total Synergistics. It's the same schedule for the first month, so that's the workout I will be doing every Monday. I did a lot better on it this week than I did last week. There is this one move called 'Boat and Plow'. Basically you sit on your butt and hold your legs and arms in the arm. It takes A LOT of core strength. The first week I couldn't even do that move, and this week I could do four! I can't wait to see how many I will be able to do next week!

Since I did my workout this morning before work, I'm not really too sure what I am going to do once I get home... maybe read? I'm working on reading the Legend Series by Marie Lu. I read the first one a couple of month after it was released, and then never read the other ones. So now I am! Finished Legend last night, so now I am on to book two. Forgot how much I love those books! 

Yup. Definitely reading when I get home. :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Weekend goals... kill me now.

I hate having things to accomplish things on the weekend. I work until 1 in the afternoon on Saturdays, so when I get home it's kind of like my inner lazy girl comes out and takes over, and all I want to do it watch my tv shows, read, and lay in my bed. Not even kidding. It's sort of pathetic really.

This weekend my list is as follows:

Clean and organize room.
- My room is literally a disaster. There isn't an inch of the floor to be seen. Stuff is laying everywhere. It's driving me nuts.

Do workouts on both Saturday and Sunday.
- With P90X3 you have the option of taking a rest day each week, or doing a workout all 7 days. This week I didn't do a workout on Tuesday since I was so sick, but I caught it up. I want to make sure I workout both days this weekend so I can get the most out of the program. Sundays it is really hard for me to work out, because I am gone all day. Church, spend the afternoon with friends, and then go to my 20 Somethings Bible study at 6. But I am determined to workout both days!

Plan my meals for next week. Boil eggs and grill chicken for lunches. Clean fruit.
- It's a lot easier for me to get lunches and dinners ready if I don't have to think about what to have.

Hair treatment
- It makes your hair soft and colorful. It just takes about an hour and half, which is generally time I don't really have. But I did one last weekend and I want to follow it up.

Then also Saturday I am going to help my mom get groceries. She doesn't like going by herself, and I like going so she doesn't have to lift anything heavy. So I won't be back home until around 5 or 6 on Saturday evening.


Oh well! Weekend chores are just a part of life! Hopefully I will be able to complete all of mine.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dear Lord, please turn these carrots into Cheetos...

Have you ever eaten food and wished it could turn into something healthy on the way down? Like Cheetos into carrots. Pizza into lettuce. Icecream into yogurt. If only. I am sitting on the couch watching Elvis Presley movies, eating my carrots, and wishing that they tasted like Cheetos. But alas, they are, in fact, completely carrots. If nothing else I know that later on I will not regret eating these in a few hours when I look in a mirror.

I think a major part of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is mind over matter. Once you decided that you can do it, you begin, and you accomplish your goals. No matter how hard it is, you find a way because your mind set has changed.

With P90X3 I decided that I COULD do the program, no matter how hard it seemed or how tired I am. I can do it. I will do it.

This is a picture of me yesterday, right after I finished AgilityX. There were several moments during the workout when I thought I would have to take a break, or sit down for a little while. But I didn't. I pushed through, and told myself that I could do it. My mind was more tired than my body was.

If I can do it, you can do it. You just have to decide that you can and WILL.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Take me to Hogwarts!

This picture totally cracks me up! I love Twilight, but I also love a good Twilight joke, and this is the best one yet!
Every summer I read the entire Harry Potter series again. It's just something I do. Once I finish a book, I watch the movie. It makes me happy.
Every notice how all Potterheads want to go to Hogwarts? I personally am still waiting for my Hogwarts letter to arrive by owl, no matter that I am 19 years old.
Twihards want a vampire boyfriend or girlfriend. With the occasional werewolf on the side, if you know what I mean. *winkwink*
Doctor Who fans are constantly waiting for the man in the blue police box to appear out of nowhere and whisk them away to unknown universe.
And there are the Hunger Games fans, and they are perfectly happy where they are at, not in the world of the Games.
 I would go to Hogwarts. But I will not go into the world of The Hunger Games.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I hate being sick.

I'm sick. Yuck. But thankfully I went to the doctor today and she put me on some antibiotics. I just really hate having to call off work because I am sick.

So basically all I have done today is lay in my bed watching movies. I watched both of the Percy Jackson movies, which I hadn't ever seen before. And then I am working my way through the second season of Doctor Who. David Tennant is an awesome Doctor.

My room is currently a disaster zone. I can barely walk through it. I had big plans to clean it up today, but I could hardly get out of bed, so of course it didn't happen. Oh well, it will wait until another day.

Needless to say, since I was feeling so horrible today I did not do my P90X3. I would get sick on the second day. But that's okay, because I will just have to catch it up tomorrow and then I will be back on track. I stuck with the diet today, which made me proud. When I'm sick generally all I want to eat is popsicles. My Nike shoes came in today! So working out will be a lot easier and safer now that I have high intensity training shoes. I will post a picture of them tomorrow.

That's really all. I am about to take my medicine and go to sleep!

Monday, January 6, 2014

More of me to love... and hug... if you can get your arms around me.

Okay, measurements are in! I will be taking measurements every month, at the beginning of a new phase of P90X3. I can not believe I am about to put these measurements on the Internet, but I am, so here it goes.

Weight: 236
Height: 5' 9"
Waist: 47 inches
Right Arm: 16 1/4 inches
Left Arm: 16 inches
Right Forearm: 11 3/4 inches
Left Forearm: 11 1/4 inches
Ribs: 40 1/2 inches
Right Thigh: 30 1/2 inches
Left thigh: 29 1/2 inches
Underarm: 43 1/2 inches
Mid: 48 1/2 inches
Bust: 46 1/2 inches
Hips: 50 inches

So there it is. Those are insane numbers, and by the end of this program they will have changed drastically. Can't wait!

Now for before pictures. I did take some where I did not have a shirt on, which trust me is much worse than these.  This could be worse than the numbers... *sigh* (and yes, I am representing Duck Dynasty! haha)

So, now that I have gotten all of that out of the way.

My first work out for today was Total Synergstics. I am going the Classic Mode, which is the one Tony Horton suggests for most people, and also the one that is the best for losing weight. As far as the workout goes, there isn't much to say except for I TOTALLY LOVED IT. It was hard, and there were several things I could only do 2-3 repetitions of. But I finished the workout, and totally crushed it! My brother did the workout with me and he did way better than I did, but he also finished P90X.

Once I finish my first week of meals, I will post them.

Me and Michael after the workout! I can't wait for day two!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Brace face

I have to get braces. I'm 19 years old and I have to get braces. I'm going to look like I'm 15... again. 15 was not a good year as far as looks go, and I prefer not to go back. Oh well. My friends keep telling me how much pain I am going to be in for the first couple of days, so I am slightly freaked out about it, but I figure if I lived through having my wisdom teeth removed I can survive braces.

I can't help but feel as if I will look like Darla from Finding Nemo.

Look! She even has red hair like me!

I have been watching Doctor Who and Once Upon A Time. Non-stop pretty much. I did do some other half way productive things today. Like I went shopping at HEB for the food I need for P90X3. I am pretty much set for the next week I think! Whoop! It starts tomorrow. I will be posting before pictures and then my measurements tomorrow. Joy. Measurements. I can hardly contain my excitement... (sarcasm).

If I don't die after doing my workout, tomorrow morning I will post about the first official work out! Whoop!

Friday, January 3, 2014

P90X3... I am going to die.

I just want to let you all know, if I do not post for at least a week, it is because P90X3 has killed me. I have been reading the Fitness and Nutrition guide that comes with the program this morning. I can almost promise that there will be tears shed before I finish this program. Tears. Lots of them.

The reason for my pending death is the fitness part of P90X3. Oh. My. God. I took the fit test and was able to pass it, though I am still not sure how I managed that. It was hard. I know the actual workout will be even more challenging. But I also know that I can do it. 

The nutrition is not that hard. I can eat healthy. I actually like to eat healthy. Most of the time I eat healthy automatically. But hey, sometimes you just HAVE to eat a piece of pizza.

BUT during the duration of my P90X3 experience, I am going to stick to the exact meal plan. Basically, you are given a list of foods you can choose from, and you can make anything you want to from those foods. The possibilities are endless. I figure this program is only 90 days long. I am going to give it my very best for those 90 days, and see what happens. I know that if I do the best I can do and stick to the program I will see great results. I'm excited.

I still need to buy new shoes for high impact workouts. I'm hoping I will have time this weekend to drive to Nike and get some.

On a side note, did you know Tony Horton (the creator of the P90X programs) is 55 years old?! He looks in his forties.

Fitness: Do it for the body.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Addicted to Once Upon A Time... help.

So I started watching Once Upon A Time over Christmas, and now I am on season 2 and I am totally addicted. I watched the whole second disc yesterday before I went to bed. That's a little over 5 hours. That's half a work day. It was awesome.

I want to show you the main reason I watched it for that long.

And again.

Okay. I'm done with the picture now. I love Capitan Hook. And Colin O'Donoghue is just gorgeous. You just can't go wrong.

I will probably finish the second season this weekend, and then I will have to wait until the third season comes out on DVD. Goodness.