Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The face of sexy. You know you want it.

For years, I have had this ridiculous face that I do, and I call it my "sexy face". Basically, I squish my chin down so that all the fat on my face makes rolls, and then I smile all awkward and do crazy eyes. Before I show you the picture of a me doing it (which I can not believe I am going to put on here), let me tell you how I started the sexy face.

When I was thirteen my family was on a road trip. As you can imagine, after being stuck in the car for 8 hours, I was so bored that I thought I might actually die. So I turned to my brother Michael, who was 12 at the time, and did the sexy face, saying in my best slurred/lisp voice, "This is mah sexy face."

He is still emotionally scared from that experience.

So that is how the sexy face came to be. Without further ado, I present to you my sexy face.

Now you can all be emotionally scarred and traumatized. But I bet you got a great laugh. I do. Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry. I am going to have to find a new super weird sexy face for after I lose weight and no longer have my own personal turkey gobbler. By the way, today I discovered that when I shake my head I can feel the fat under my chin jiggle. Gross. And yet so amusing.

Then about a week ago while browsing Pinterest, I found this wonderful gem.

Oh. My. Freaking. God. I found a picture of myself on Pinterest! Huzzah! The similarities are horrifying. And funny. Or are they horrifyingly funny? I personally find it hilarious.

Everyone should have their very own sexy face. Just saying.

PS It is officially 1:32 am on January 1, 2014. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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