Monday, December 30, 2013

Speaking of 2014....

It's almost the New Year! 2014 is just a few short days away, and with it comes New Year resolutions. I have decided that I will start a blog to track my progress over this next year. I will write down my goals for the rest of the year and keep track of them. I will also probably add short term goals at the beginning of every month. Of course I will also write about other things too. :) I am a major nerd, book lover, music junkie, and coffee lover. I am sure my blog will cover a wide variety of things.

I always write down New Year resolutions every year and not once have I stuck to any of them. Most of the time, by the end of January I have already given up on any resolutions I had. That is why I think blogging about it will help me to stick with it this year. (And secretly I've always wanted to be a blogger. Don't judge me.)

So here we go.

2014 New Year Resolutions:

Loose Weight:
Currently I weight *cringe* 236 pounds. I know. It's a lot. I can't believe I just put that on the world wide Internet. I want to weight 180 pounds by the end of this next year. I did the math (well, I used a calculator. I suck at math) and that is a total loss of 56 pounds. I have several program I using. First of all, I am signed up as a Beachbody coach. I am using Shakeology, which is AMAZING for weight loss and overall health. On January 6th I will be starting P90X3 with a challenge group. My Beachbody coach is also my boss, so we will be doing the program together. *fingers crossed*

Save more money (hopefully enough to buy my own car):
I have a money spending problem. It MUST stop. I'm 19 years old and I don't have my own car. It makes me feel lame.

 Study for and take the SAT:
I never took the SAT in high school. I want to take it.

 Apply to attend college at Texas A&M:
I may as well add apply for scholarships. College is dang expensive.

 Be a better friend:
Honestly, sometimes I can seriously be a horrible friend. Just in that I will get in these moods where I don't want to go anywhere or do anything, so I don't hang out with my friends. Which is sad. I work full time, I need to spend at least one night a week with a friend.

 Travel someplace out of state:
I don't care where, or for how long. I want to travel someplace I have never been this year.

Be able to do a pull up:
If I can't do a pull up by the time I am finished with my fitness journey this year, I am officially more pathetic than I am now.

Finish writing my book, and then try and get it published:
I want to be a writer more than anything. I always feel like I never have time to write. I have been working on this story idea since I was 15. I want to finish it.

Start a book of quotes:
I love quotes. I have always thought about writing down all the ones I really like, but then I never do because I don't want to take the time. Which is stupid!

Read all of Shakespeare's works:
Just because. I have read almost all of them.

Well, that was a pretty long first blog post. Let's do this thing.... Happy (almost) New Year.

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw on a building or sing or live as only you can. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."  Neil Gaiman

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